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Piloting Post Enumeration Survey for measuring Pilot Census 2020 Commences

Díli, 11 December 2020, Acting Director General of Statistics, Timor-Leste, Mr. Silvino Lopes together with pilot PES trainer Mr. Lourenco Soares today is conducting training about piloting (PES) post enumeration survey. The GDS has recruiting six experienced staffs for working on pilot PES moment and in other hand GDS also has indicated three senior staffs to run the mentioned project. The event was held at GDS conference hall, Kai-koli, Díli. A post enumeration survey (PES) is the most powerful method for evaluating census quality. The purpose of the post-enumeration survey (PES) is to measure the level of coverage (undercount, overcount and net coverage) in the recent pilot census 2020. Coverage measures are used as key performance indicators for the 2021 main Census. The acting Director General of Statistics, Mr. Lopes, has explaining that there were similarities and differences between census and post enumeration survey (PES); similarities as such: 1. All PES concepts and definitions are the same as in the (pilot) census (e.g. what is a household, a usual household member, a dwelling). 2. Most PES fieldwork procedures are the same as in the (pilot) census (e.g. finding your way in the enumeration area, revisits in case of no-contact, how to ask the questions). 3. Most of the PES tablet application (‘PES’) is the same as in the (pilot) census (how to select a building from the map, how to proceed through the questionnaire). 4. Most of the PES questions are the same as in the (pilot) census. 5. Enumerating all dwellings and households in the EA assigned to you and only dwellings and households in your EA (stay within the boundaries of your EA!). Differences as such: 1. The PES questionnaire is much shorter that the (pilot) census questionnaire (and the interview duration much shorter). 2. A few questions are added (e.g. for people who were added to or removed from the household since pilot census moment) and a few are phrased slightly differently. In the process preparation of pilot post enumeration survey (PES) 2020, the government of Timor-Leste through the General Directorate of Statistics, with assistant from United Nations Population Fund (UNFP), is conduct a pilot PES in some part of the country. In the implementation of this pilot is funded by main development partner like UNFPA, and the mentioned pilot PES moment will commence on December 14 until December 18, 2020. In the same occasion Mr. Lourenco who as a pilot PES trainer said that, the pilot PES moment questionnaires are much shorter that the pilot census questionnaires and the interview will taking time approximately 15 minutes. The questions that will covers during the pilot PES mainly three parts that are really important such as: 1. Roster about households’ information and so on, 2. Individual questions on literacy and, 3. Education and disabilities. Ensure that two sucos of the country are represented, 2 sucos have been selected for (PES) post enumeration survey moment and both are from rural and urban areas, and in each suco, four Enumeration Areas (EAs) have been included. The sucos or villages are: Vila-Verde and Motael, aldeias are: Matua, Terus Nain belongs to (Vila-Verde) and Halibur (Motael). Residents of the selected pilot census areas are kindly requested to cooperate with the census officials and give correct information both during the pilot census, pilot post enumeration survey and the forthcoming 2021 Timor-Leste Population and Housing Census.

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