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National Directorate of Statistical Administration

  1. Develop and maintain Administration systems, SOPs, records management and quality control for the National Directorate, in line with the law and customer service standards.
  2. Lead and manage the National Directorate’s contribution to DGS planning, reporting, performance management and risk management processes.
  3. Identify, evaluate and develop innovation solutions for Administration and financial support to the DGS.
  4. Coordinate with DGCS for procurement needs for DGS to provide procurement specifications and contractual management of procured services.
  5. Coordinate with DGCS to fulfill the space demands of the DGS by planning, designing and constructing administrative spaces.
  6. Coordinate with DGCS for all Logistics and supplies for the DGS.
  7. Coordinate with HRU for all DGS Human Resource recruitments, performance management, competency development needs, task Analysis and workforce planning.
  8. Establish an effective and efficient Finance, Administration and HRU Center for the National Bureau of Statistics.

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